G I S E L L E   B E I G U E L M A N

was born in São Paulo, Brasil, in 1962. She is a multimedia essayist and an historian, with a Ph.D. from the University of São Paulo. She was a fellow of the VITAE Foundation Program for the Arts in the Literature. She has been researching the cultural impact of the Internet and new media aesthetics. Web sites, online art pieces, exhibitions, cd-roms, and non-fiction works have resulted from those investigations. She is curator of "Ex-Libris/Home Page" (Paço das Artes, São Paulo, 1996) and editor of the CD-ROM "Urban Interventions 1.0" (1997). All her professional and artistic experiences have been collected in "The Book after the Book", which was developed with a grant from the VITAE foundation and presented for the first time at "net_condition" (ZKM, 1999/2000).